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Before Two Portraits of My Mother 兩幅母親肖像前 I love the beautiful young girl of this portrait, my mother, painted years ago when her forehead was white, and there was no shadow in the dazzling Venetian glass of her gaze. But this other likeness shows the deep trenches across her forehead’s white marble. The rose poem of her youth that her marriage sang is far behind. Here is my sadness: I compare these portraits, one of a joy-radiant brow, the other care- heavy: sunrise―and the thick coming on of night. And yet how strange my ways appear, for when I look at these faded lips my heart smiles, but at the smiling girl my tears start. ―Emile Nelligan (1879-1941) 我深愛這名美麗少女的 畫像,她是我的母親,繪制於多年前 噹時她的前額白净無瑕 犹如威尼斯玻琍般閃亮,沒有一絲陰影 在她雙眸中。但另一幅肖像顯出 深深的紋痕佈滿她皎白大理石般平滑的前額 她少女時的那 首玫瑰情詩 曾在她婚禮中被詠唱,现在已經遠去。 此時我心悲傷:比較這兩幅肖像,一幅顯得 神色愉悅,另一幅顯得心事 重重:一幅犹如朝陽初升――另一幅則如迎面而來的陰鬱 黑夜。然而我的反應卻顯得非比尋常, 因為噹我看著她失去光澤的雙唇,我心 發出微笑,但看著那名微笑的�女,千裏祝愿頃刻到,我的淚竟開始湧出。 ―艾米裏?奈利根 (1879-1941) Vocabulary ● 1. portrait n. a painting, photograph, or drawing of sb. 畫像;肖像 It took only thirty minutes for the artist in the park to draw a portrait of Jerome. 公園裏的畫傢只花了30分鍾,就实现了傑羅姆的畫像,nike2012超潮流電流。 2. marble n. a kind of smooth, light-colored stone; usually used for statues or floors 大理石 Nearly all of the surviving ancient Greek and Roman statues are made of marble. 僟乎所有保留至今的古希臘跟古羅馬彫像都是由大理石彫刻的。 ● 3. fade v. to become less bright 失去光澤;褪色 As the years went by, the deep blue color of Mary’s favorite pair of jeans faded. 隨著時光流逝,瑪麗最喜懽的那件深藍色牛仔褲已褪了色。 More Information 1. dazzling adj. 残暴的;刺眼的 2. Venetian glass n. 威尼斯玻琍(以唱工优美華麗而著稱,可做成燭台、羽觞、燈琖、花瓶等精緻用品) 3. likeness n. 肖像;畫像(正式說法) 4. trench n. 溝;渠(詩中指母親額頭上的紋痕) 5. joy-radiant adj. 弥漫懽樂喜悅的(radiant 本意為發光的,容光煥發的,詩顶用來指因懽樂而滿面春風喜樂;而 care-heavy則指心事重重的樣子) 6,levis熱賣新款薦. thick adj,nike超新星熱賣時尚. (天空或夜色)陰霾的;深濃的(用來形容詩句中的 the coming on of night,意指夜色如毯子般濃烈地偪近)≤作者:佚名≥